Understanding blood test pdf

Measures essential components of the blood substance what it is reference ranges what a low number may mean what a high number may mean usa ukeu australiacanada white blood cell count wbc measures the total number of white blood cells, which defend the body. They are useful in diagnosing such diseases as anaemia, leukaemia and infection. Complete blood count and white blood cell differential. They may be a little different from lab to lab and for children and teens. Measurements are taken of different substances in the blood and the.

Understanding blood tests blood tests blood panels, are used to determine physiological and biochemical states, such as disease, electrolyte content, drug effectiveness, and how various organs e. Blood sugar is usually tested by putting a drop of blood on a special strip that is read by a meter. Below youll find information to help you understand your complete blood count. For example, one patients test result might confirm stable remission, while another patient with the same test result might have active disease.

Understand your blood tests read this pamphlet to learn. Also known as a blood chemistry, or a chemistry panel, this test looks at the levels of essential enzymes in the blood and also checks kidney function. From the fasting blood glucose test to the prostate psa test, there are many kinds of blood tests. It is critical to understand pertinent lab values and the subsequent potential of. Measures the total number of white blood cells, which defend the body against infection. This book should be of help to nursing in understanding some of the more common tests. A urine test will show if there is sugar in urine,but. Understanding your complete blood count results your blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.

Learning more about blood and its components will help you better understand how myeloma and its different treatments affect your blood and explain the purpose of the blood tests that you will undergo as your disease is diagnosed and monitored. The ultimate guide to decoding your blood test results. The higher the percentage, the higher your blood sugar levels over the past two to three months. See list below or call us should you question your lab normal score. Each person receives an a, a b, or an o gene from each parent.

A positive test doesnt mean you are still infected. In addition, the glucose level in the blood is obtained through this test and can indicate if a person needs further testing for diabetes. A blood clot in one of the large veins, usually in a persons leg or arm, is called a deep vein thrombosis or dvt. Not that long ago, doctors diagnosed patients through observation and the patients answers to questions. Blood cell counts are carefully monitored to track. It checks levels of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets.

Leclair, phd, cls nca chancellor professor, department of medical laboratory science university of. Understanding common blood tests and what they mean. Cbc results can be used to help diagnose some types of blood cancer, identify whether a cancer has spread to the bone marrow, and identify potential side. This lab tracker booklet explains common tests for patients with multiple myeloma. Understanding your blood and blood tests myeloma canada. High levels of protein in your blood, or protein in your urine, can be a sign of mm or other conditions. Understanding your test results booklet outlines the various tests that are used to diagnose and monitor myeloma, and to detect response and relapse. We will not refer to simple blood and lab tests as diagnostic tests.

Lab test are integral to patient care and depend on cooperation and support of ward staff for accurate and timely interpretation of the results. Generally, even people without symptoms of hiv disease should have a cbc test done at least every 612 months. For an iron blood test, used to test for iron deficiency anaemia, you will. Each test for different things, which can be understood through a detailed analysis of the results. Talk with your doctor if you have questions about your test results. So to empower my readers, here is a simplified guide to understanding your blood test. Understanding blood test result common blood tests. People whose blood work trends are changing may want to have their cbcs done every three months, or more oten. Also learn about prehypertension, hypertension, hypertensive crisis, and what is a healthy blood pressure. Understanding your pets blood work blood tests help us determine causes of illness accurately, safely and quickly and let us monitor the progress of medical treatments. If youre interested in playing a more active role in. Understanding your blood tests by larry levin, md thyroid lab testing is an area that can be confusing to both patients and physicians.

Understanding mask types 41720 surgical mask n95 mask n95 equivalent mask knkp95, pff2, p2, dsdl2, korean special 1st testing and approval cleared by the u. If youre waiting for lab test results to come back or youre trying to figure out what they mean, the process and all those medical terms and numbers can be confusing. Its up to you to be understanding blood test results. Cancers that affect the blood and bone marrow and some types of cancer treatment may lower the number of platelets, a condition called thrombocytopenia, which can increase the risk of serious bleeding or bruising. Today, we have a wide range of testing options to choose from, with blood tests being among the most basic. In many blood test results, the first list under the test name column shows the results of the cbc, or complete blood count. Youll also learn about neutropenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia 3 kinds of blood deficiencies. Browse the index and learn how to prepare for your test. A fit test is used to determine appropriate mask size for the individual. Gfr is a measure of how well your kidneys filter blood. If the test results show abnormal protein levels, then multiple myeloma, kidney, liver, blood, and other. One is coated with an antia antibody, one with an antib antibody, and one with an antid antibody tests. When there is damage to heart muscle cells, troponin is released into the blood.

Complete blood count cbc1820 a cbc measures the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the blood. Normally, troponin is present in very small to undetectable quantities in the blood. Nevertheless, understanding blood types, and the genetics of human blood is far easier than that of any other human tissue. Blood tests offer an important snapshot of your overall health. Understanding your complete blood count results nz healthinfo reference. Blood tests are done to help watch your bodys response to treatment. A blood test or blood work uses your blood to find out many things about your health. For our text we will reserve diagnostic tests for those more sophisticated tests and procedures. As you read through this infoguide, you may refer to the more detail boxes to read more.

Functional medicine university initial blood test panel 3 complete blood count with differential 4. Interpreting and comparing test results patienttopatient differences do not compare your lab results to those of other patients. Most doctors dont do tests, like a vitamin d level that is extremely useful and accurate while they frequently rely on tests that are inaccurate. Laboratory tests interpretation nurses learning network. Today, we have a wide range of testing options to choose from, with blood tests. The primary points of interest in the cbc are often whether a patient is anaemic, whether the white count shows evidence of infection and whether the platelets are at a level that may affect haemostasis. If you have any questions about your test results, discuss them with your healthcare team. To make things a little easier to understand, here are some guidelines for understanding how both the abo blood types and the rh system work. The primary points of interest in the cbc are often whether a patient is anaemic, whether the white.

Primarily, troponin tests are used to help determine if an individual has suffered a heart attack. It also gives you tips on how to track blood test results. Page 2 of 2 high results there can be several reasons for your red blood cells being too high, including dehydration and smoking. Understanding leukemia i page 7 normal blood cell count fast facts the ranges of blood cell counts below are for adults.

Monitoring your blood glucose levels is an important step in managing your diabetes. To learn more about laboratory medicine in general and gain a greater understanding. Lab values and their meanings forward the laboratory services are very pleased to see this report. The cbc measures the essential components of blood.

Measurements are taken of different substances in the blood. This book should be of help to nursing in understanding some of the more common tests which are conducted. This worksheet will help you learn more about your blood pressure. Academy of acute care physical therapy apta task force on lab values.

A complete blood count cbc is a common blood test that evaluates the number of white blood cells wbcs, red blood cells rbcs, and platelets in the blood. What a blood test is what a complete blood count cbc is how to understand your complete blood count results what an electrolyte test is how to understand your electrolyte test results for patients and families. Measures kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels. Normal results a normal blood count will show results in the following. Blood can be analyzed for a number of different tests. Test results are the most important tools that your doctor will use in order to. Functional medicine university initial blood test panel 3. You can better understand and cope with your myeloma if you familiarize yourself with the tests used to assess your status throughout the disease course. The complete blood count cbc is the most frequently requested blood test in new zealand. This test shows your average blood sugar level over the last 2 to 3 months. Although you could argue that these blood tests, etc.

The total level of protein in the blood is measured by a total serum protein test. Blood tests are often recommended in healthy pets, in pets about to undergo anesthesia and in sick pets. The more damage there is, the greater the concentration in the blood. A cbc shows the number of white and red blood cells, hematocrit. Blood test abbreviations if you have ever had blood work done you may have noticed the blood test abbreviations that are found on many of the lab work forms. If youre like most of my patients, youve probably looked over the alphabet soup of acronyms and abbreviations in your blood test results and wondered what it all means. The overgrowth of myeloma plasma cells in the bone marrow can crowd out normal cells, leading to low blood counts. Understand your blood tests the university health network. These tests show how well your kidneys are working, or how well dialysis is working and if any changes are needed in your treatment.

Retesting for lyme disease is not recommended because blood tests might be positive for months or years after you have been treated. They can show small changes before problems get serious. Wbc count can be used to diagnose infection and inflammation, and. If your white blood cells are too high, your body is probably fighting an infection. The american heart association helps you understand the various levels of blood pressure and how high blood pressure or hypertension is defined. Understanding the complete blood count cbc and common blood. Each test can be thought of as a piece of a puzzle. For a fasting blood glucose test, used to test for diabetes, you will normally need to fast for 810 hours. So to empower my readers, here is a simplified guide to understanding your blood test results. Understanding blood test results let a nurse teach you what. Understand your blood tests university health network. Use our blood pressure chart to learn what your blood pressure numbers mean.

To help you understand your pets test results, this guide explains common tests. These common blood tests allow veterinarians to assess your pets overall health. It simply means that your immune system remembers your infection. Fiftyplus folks tend to take more medications, says lachs, and that can throw off test results. Whether its a routine blood or urine test to diagnose an illness or check your general health. To access the primary resources on this website, you can go to the full listings below. If high levels of blood calcium are revealed, that may. Understanding your pets diagnostic testing blood chemistries these common blood tests allow veterinarians to assess your pets overall health. We want you to understand our recommendations and be a partner in your pets care.

Understanding blood pressure readings american heart. These abbreviations are used to identify specific tests that are to be completed on your drawn blood. Introduction all patients with kidney failure have regular blood tests. Understanding your lab test results when you have cancer it often seems like someone is always taking blood for some kind of test. Blood clots can affect anyone, and blood clots can be prevented. All about blood glucose american diabetes association 1800diabetes 3422383. Tests, terms, and tumor markers a guide for people living with and learning about cancer. Understanding your lab results protein blood serum, urine a group of compounds that help make up the majority of a cell. Theyre also a good way to catch illness or disease early or see how well your body responds to treatments for various conditions. Checking your blood count, often called a complete blood count cbc or full blood count fbc, looks at each of the different parts of your blood. Need help with interpreting or understanding blood test results. Checking your blood sugar tells you how well you are controlling your diabetes.

The calcium blood test measures the level of calcium in the blood. For example, diuretics can alter sodium and potassium levels. Understanding your cats blood work blood tests help doctors determine causes of illness accurately, safely, and quickly and let us monitor the progress of medical treatments. A blood test is typically composed of three main tests.

Leclair, phd, cls nca chancellor professor, department of medical laboratory science university of massachusetts please remember the opinions expressed on patient power are not necessarily the views of our sponsors, contributors, partners or patient power. Understanding your blood pressure your blood pressure is measured using a device or cuff. Understanding blood test results for certain vitamins and minerals can be very challenging. This sample of a commercially produced bedside card enables quick typing of both a recipients and donors blood before transfusion. Abnormal test results are fairly common, especially among older adults. Blood tests, sometimes called blood panels, are one of a physicians most basic tools. Aug 20, 2012 if youre like most of my patients, youve probably looked over the alphabet soup of acronyms and abbreviations in your blood test results and wondered what it all means. See what you can do to improve your blood pressure if needed.

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